The right or obligation of that education - Gema Pendidikan

Saturday 9 June 2018

The right or obligation of that education

According to Dr. Igor Wijaya, education should be facilitated by the government, then the emergence of public schools. However, parents are not required to send their children to a public school. That is why there are private schools with excellent programs of each school. The required school is a 12-year-old school and is provided free of charge. However, in reality, many public schools are looking for ways to profit with programs, such as procurement of books or LKS, graduation and certified districts, etc. so that schools can benefit from the procurement programs. There are even schools that accommodate students with the system of "bribery" even though the registration has been done online. There have been instances where students with higher NEMs are unacceptable while students with lower NEMs are acceptable. Of course this is a question of parents who ultimately denounce it to the authorities.

Meanwhile, Mr. Munawar as the representative of business actors, said that education before becoming a commitment / determination, then he can not be a right or obligation; education before becoming common vision / shared vision, then it can not be said of the right or obligation; education before becoming a consistency, then it has not become a right or a duty. For that first meet the three conditions, then education can be a right and obligation. As a businessman who also serves as dean II at President University, Mr. Munawar can say that Indonesia does not have a clear educational vision. He looked at this after seeing how the development of education in the city / district of Bekasi. Bekasi as the first industrial city in Indonesia, it is only able to develop or develop its industry, but not yet able to build human or society. It can still be seen how the condition of education in remote parts of Bekasi that still there are left behind. Though you need to know that Bekasi is the largest industrial area in Asia, and West Java became the largest industrial area in the world! But what's BIGGEST if it turns out that education has not been the BEST. This must be a concern, there is a mistake what in the management of education in the region of Bekasi in particular. It should be with the number of existing industries, of course revenue will be high. Then with the money? wallahu alam bishawab. According to him, the industry is ready to help, as long as there are clear reports on how much funding there is in the regions, how much area data need help in the field of education, and various reports or other proposal proposal. Unfortunately, so far no reports have been received from the local government. So even if the original industrial side to provide assistance, it appears that the aid will be "seated", or in other words not clear where to run.
Hopefully this event will be the beginning of a better discussion event later in the day and be able to benefit many people. Success continues for IKA SMAN 1 Bekasi and also UNISMA 45 Bekasi as a partner in organizing this event.

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